Welcome to SimFlite! Where You Have the Freedom to Fly

SimFlite Minnesota is a Pilot Training Center Located at the Anoka County-Blain Airport.

Our mission is helping pilots get the training they need so their dreams can take flight. We employ highly experienced certified flight instructors with our services to help you improve your IFR proficiency while using our Elite Simulators.

RC1 Simulator

Saves You Time & Money

“Our Convenient Flight Training Uses Elite Simulators to Save You Time and Money Over Traditional Flying Services. Renting a Plane is a lot of Work and can be Costly.”

Professional Training Services

“Work in Tandem with Skilled Flight Instructors to Develop Important Flying Experiences Utilizing Our Elite Flight Simulators. Increase Situational Awareness and Take Preflight Planning Seriously.

Learn Quickly & Maintain Skills

“Our Programs Help Pilots Maintain Proficiency and Reduce Accident Rates by Providing Accessibility to Fly Regularly with CFI’s. We Continually Sharpen Your Skills.”

Develop Proficiency & Ratings

“Get the Training and Experience You Need with the Most Cost-Effective Simulator Experience Today. Receive or Maintain Your Pilots’ License while Helping Sharpen Interview Preparations.”

SimFlite - Exceeding the Standards in Flight Simulation

SimFlite Minnesota is a pilot training company offering experienced flight service at the Anoka County-Blaine Airport. We are driven to help pilots and those that want to learn to fly and get the training they need to help their dreams take flight.

SimFlite Offers Flight Training in Two Elite Simulators: RC-1 Simulator & G1000 Simulator. The RC-1 Simulator is a configurable flight simulator that simulates single engine, multi engine and turbo prop aircraft.The G1000 Simulator is a glass panel simulator that is a great introduction to glass instruments and automated flight. Come Fly With SimFlite.

Our Experienced Pilots & Dedicated Trainers


Mike Danielson

SimFlite Training Pilot

Mike has been flying for over twenty years and when he retired from SouthWest he dedicated his flight proficiency to help others through our simulators.


Bob Danielson

SimFlite Simulator Trainer

Bob has been with us for over a decade. His passion for flying has brought him to train at SimFlite because he could use this technology skills to keep pilots in the sky.


Janet Danielson

Pilot SimFlite Trainer

Janet spent her entire life flying for Sun Country. After retiring she came to SimFlite because she had the flexibility to schedule her training times conveniently to her lifestyle.


Robert Danielson

Pilot & SimFlite Trainer

Robert is an active pilot and likes to instruct and help others keep their instrument currency and proficiency current.